Where to Buy White Tea

Here are a few tips to help you choose the best white tea:
1.Buy High-Quality Loose-Leaf Teas
The best tea is loose-leaf tea. This is true tea, as it was meant to be, as it has been for hundreds and thousands of years.
2.Buy From A Reputable Seller
Check their customer ratings, their selection of teas, and the content and quality of their web site. Do they have an email address or form? Are their shipping and return policies clear? Do they have a privacy policy?
3.Check For Origin
A good tea seller should be able to tell you where the tea came from, such as China's Fujian province, the heartland of white tea.
4.Try A Sample Pack
Don't know which tea to choose? New to white tea? A sample pack can be a great introduction to the world of white teas, giving you several different varieties to try at a low price.
For high-quality, loose-leaf white tea, I recommend Adagio Tea:
Adagio Teas - Get Free Shipping with all orders over $49
Thank you for visiting this site. May you be blessed with good health and great tea!